Raccoons may look cute and cuddly, but behind those friendly faces are destructive creatures that can ruin gardens and crops, cause damage to home and property and potentially be a danger to pets and children. Raccoons are savage fighters with sharp teeth and piercing claws, and they will eat just about anything they can find. If you spot a raccoon wandering around your suburban town or even an urban city neighborhood, you may find yourself wondering, exactly where do raccoons live in the city? After all, these invaders are surely not pet raccoons who just happen to have given their owners the slip in order to do some nightly foraging.
Inside the city limits may not seem like an optimal place for a raccoon to live, but they certainly don’t seem to mind it. Raccoons typically look for places to call home near bodies of water and prefer areas that have lots of trees to use as dens. However, with the spread of urban and suburban areas, raccoons have adapted well to city life. They will often live just outside city limits and travel through storm drains and sewers to find trash cans and dumpsters that provide easy meals.
Because of the variety of foods that a raccoon will eat, they are found just about everywhere in North America. Raccoons don’t discriminate in the types of fare they feast on. They will eat aquatic animals such as frogs and crayfish from streams and ponds, fruits and vegetables from gardens and farms and scraps from trash cans and city dumpsters.
Where Do Raccoons Sleep?
Raccoons are opportunistic creatures when it comes to where they sleep. Most raccoons seem to prefer sleeping in large holes in trees or hollow parts of fallen logs. They also find shelter in abandoned cars, attics, crawl spaces, barns, and sheds.
Raccoons change dens frequently, sometimes moving on to a new den every night. A raccoon may live in a tree one night and relocate to a cozy spot in your attic the next night. During breeding season and harsh winter conditions, however, they will opt to remain hunkered down in their den for more extended stays.
Do Raccoons Live in Trees?
Raccoons are excellent climbers, making tree dens an optimal location. Mothers who are raising their young will typically find a high tree hole away from predators. Juvenile raccoons live in trees for a few months with their mother until they can forage for food on their own.
What to Do If You Find a Raccoon in Your Backyard
The arrival of spring means the emergence of raccoons from wintering locations and into many backyards across North America. Raccoons eat incessantly during the spring and summer months in order to store body fat for the winter, when food sources may not be as abundant. If you spot raccoons in your area, it may be necessary to remove all potential food sources from your property:
- Move trash inside or lock trash can lids securely in place.
- Protect your garden by placing raccoon repellent around your garden perimeter.
- Seal or barricade any holes or crevices in your house that could possibly lead raccoons to find shelter in your attic, basement or shed.
Raccoons are very persistent animals, so they may need to be humanely removed from your property and relocated out of the area using a raccoon trap.
Need Advice?
Are you having issues with invading raccoons on your property? Contact our customer service center at 1-855-5-HAVAHART or ask online for advice on keeping your attic, trash cans and garden free of destructive raccoons. You can also find more tips and tricks on our Havahart® Facebook page. We would love for you to share your own experiences with our community.
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