Using Live Traps To Trap Animals

Using Live Traps To Trap Animals

It’s important to properly prepare before using your live trap. Follow these animal trapping techniques and tips to get the best results and to keep both you and the animal safe. Using an effective trap such as the Havahart® Easy Set® Trap can also make a big difference in your trapping success.

Animal Trapping Tip #1 Contact your local humane society to learn the laws concerning which animal species can legally be trapped. Your game commission will be able to explain how to lawfully release a wild animal as well.

Animal Trapping Tip #2 Ensure you’ll be able to check the trap frequently, at least once per day. This is important because stress and weather conditions can cause the animal harm if left in the trap for too long.

Animal Trapping Tip #3 Use a trap that does not have sharp internal or external edges – look for smooth, rolled edges. This will help prevent undue injury to you and the animal. Also, check to make sure the trap is rust-resistant before you buy it. This will allow you to use the trap outdoors and for more than one time.

Animal Trapping Tip #4 Proper placement is key! Think about where you will place your trap before you set the trap. When placing the trap, put it on a sturdy part of the ground away from any water or steep hills where the animal could move the trap into harm’s way. Also, be sure to place the trap in an area where the animal frequents, such as close to their burrow or home. If you don’t catch the animal in 48 hours, move your trap to a new area as it may not be set in an ideal location.

Animal Trapping Tip #5 Use the right bait and place it correctly. To catch your critter, arm your trap with the perfect bait. For instance, skunk traps should be baited with cat food, bread with peanut butter or canned fish, while a squirrel trap should be baited with cereal, nuts, corn, seeds or popcorn. Once you have determined your bait, place it behind the trigger pedal to force the animal to commit all the way into the trap. It’s also helpful to place bait outside the trap leading into the trap to entice the animal into the trap.


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